gMax 1.5 DUAL Extruder Original LCD Screen

gMax 1.5 DUAL Extruder Original LCD Screen v 14.12.23

License Type
GPL License
Compatible With
gMax 1.5
22_Marlin Logo GitHub.png
Modified marlin firmware used on the gMax 1.5 series of printers. This is the original firmware that shipped with the printer.

The firmware is used with DUAL Extruder printers with G3D (Blue) electronics and the 4x20 original LCD display. Firmware does NOT include auto bed leveling.

Please note this is not a repository for firmware changes and you should always refer to the official Marlin Firmware wiki if you wish to add to and/or download the latest firmware (which will require modification to work on gMax printers).

We recommend using Arduino 1.0.4 IDE for uploading.

Refer to our youtube channel for a video on how to install firmware.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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